Rites of Happiness
Tips to happier kids
A healthy sense of self-worth, belief and confidence are some of the ingredients for leading a successful and happy life – firstly as an individual and then, in your role as a parent. Facing the trials of being a parent, of being responsible for another person’s life, affects one’s goals, ambitions, attitudes and decisions. It helps to keep a positive outlook on life, as your emotional and mental well-being influences those around you – from your child to your friends, family and colleagues. The way you feel about yourself becomes central to the happiness quotient of your child. So, respond positively to your little one, spend quality time with him and indulge in these interactive exercises.
Positive Sessions
· Tell your child to make a picture of himself or to present him impressions of the family.
· Hang the drawings in a special place as a reminder of your happy time with him.
· Cook your child’s favourite meal and get him to participate in the preparations, to make it more enjoyable for both of you.
· Take a nap with your young one, go on walks, meet his friends, and give him a bubble bath – all positive actions to encourage young minds and bodies.
· Encourage his curiosity; don’t just explain things but participate in the process of discovery with him.
· Show him how something works and if needed, take the help of friends and teachers or of anyone else who might be able to help you.
· Notice and appreciate how your child feels happy and good about himself when he discovers new things.
Parents, at times, have to be as responsible, efficient, resourceful and diligent as managers of a business corporation. They try to not only manage themselves but their children, their jobs and the household. Although, the burden of all these responsibilities might seem too much at times, nevertheless, each one of us do possess a reservoir of immense talent, energy, thoughts and abilities. The trick is to make these positive attributes your strengths and to eliminate the negative thoughts hampering your life. Feel good about yourself by highlighting your and your young one’s resources and talents.
Spreading happiness
· Be on the look out for any special talent that your child exhibits.
· Encourage his abilities and interests – whether in sports or music and participate along with him as far as possible.
· Instead of a story telling session, one night, host a family talent show where each member of the family should participate for maximum fun and bonding.
· Such an activity would satisfy your child’s desire for the unusual in his life, break the monotony of routine happenings, loosen his inhibitions and release any pent-up energy.
· It would provide your family with an opportunity to spend quality time with him.
· Make sure that he is getting enough positive encouragement in his school also.
· Write a poem or a simple, loving note to your child and leave it on his pillow or in his lunch box.
· Make him feel special, loved and happy in the way you know best.
Professional, parental and familial obligations expose one to newer experiences, situations and people. Your may find that, at times, getting along with others poses a challenge. It is always a good idea to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Learning the lessons of life and overcoming the obstacles in the way, provides for the most meaningful experiences. Try to keep your emotional balance and equilibrium. Look at the brighter side of life, banish the negative influences and you will find that your sunny disposition will win you more friends than enemies! How well you get along with those who matter to you has a relation in maintaining a harmonious and stable atmosphere at home and also in imparting positive and happy vibes to your child.
· Provide your child with the right ethical values.
· Always tell him the truth.
· List a few do’s and don’ts for your child – to instill discipline.
· If your child commits a mistake, teach him to take the responsibility for it.
· Encourage your child to think positive.
· If your make a promise to your child, always try to keep it.
· Help him to realize his dreams and ideals.
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